About the Sunbury Veterinary Clinic

Welcome to the Sunbury Vet Clinic! Located in Ohio, we have been caring for the pets of the Delaware, Franklin, Morrow, Knox, and Licking counties since 1986.

Dr. Ann Mandic and Dr. Lee Nowac provide compassionate, friendly care for a wide variety of small animals. Their patients include dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, pocket pets (i.e. mice, rats, ferrets, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hamsters, sugar gliders) as well as reptiles and other exotics. Even if your pet is a parrot, parakeet, chicken, swan, emu, snake, tortoise or pot-bellied pig, know that they will receive the same compassionate care as the fur-covered pets in your family.

A full range of veterinary services is available at our practice. Care begins with a nose-to-tail exam. Together you and your doctor will discuss the best ways to meet the health needs of your companion.

Services available include preventive care such as vaccinations, dental cleanings, parasite control, nutritional advice, and weight management. If your pet is ill, our on-site imaging services include radiology, ultrasound and endoscopy. Digital radiography allows us to send your pet's images to specialists anywhere in the country. All of our blood work is done at certified labs with documented quality control. Besides doing common procedures like spays and neuters, our doctors each have over 25 years of experience in performing a variety of soft tissue surgeries (i.e. mass removals, enterotomies, etc.) and orthopedic surgeries.

We believe that continuity of care is very important and every attempt is made to provide 24 hour emergency care for all of our patients.

Our Veterinarians

It will probably not surprise you to find out that as children, both Dr. Mandic and Dr. Nowac showed indications that they would grow up to be veterinarians. At fourteen years old, Dr. Mandic was cycling across town to work for a vet. Dr. Nowac was found slipping out during a family fishing trip to play with heifers in a field. They both grew up in families with pets and naturally added rescue pets throughout the years.

Dr. Mandic and Dr. Nowac met as undergraduates in Zoology at John Carroll University. Following graduation in 1978, they both worked in related fields and eventually found their way into the Ohio State University Veterinary Program. Dr. Mandic completed her doctorate in 1985. Following a year of relief work, she opened her own practice in 1986. Dr. Nowac joined her at the practice in 1989, a year after his graduation from vet school.

Each bring different strengths to the practice. Dr. Mandic possesses a quiet demeanor and always takes the extra time to comfort a patient who needs reassurance. She has a special interest in caring for aging pets and her ability to stay calm in stressful situations is an asset in high risk procedures. Dr. Nowac’s strength is an uncanny ability to think outside the box. He enjoys orthopedic surgery and has a special interest in caring for exotics. All of the patients of the Sunbury Veterinary Clinic benefit from their collaborative approach, having two doctors share insights to arrive at the best way to address a concern.

The doctors reside in Sunbury and have raised four children within minutes of the practice. The family home is shared with many different types of pets, large and small, most with a special need or two that made them difficult to place elsewhere. The joy, responsibility and value of caring for animals has been passed to the next generation. Two of their children are currently pursuing careers as veterinarians. Their eldest daughter founded Bella Run Equine, a non-profit organization focused on horse and dog rescue. Even their musician daughter who lives in New York City manages to find stray cats to rescue.

Services for your Pet

The best care for your best friend!

Great care is built on the foundation of a thorough physical exam.  A past history is also very important.

At your first appointment, the doctor's want to get to know both you and your companion.  They will want to assess their current health status, learn what problems have they had in the past and how those problems were treated.  They will want to know what has worked well for you in the past and what your goals are for your pet's care.


The best way to keep your pet healthy is to stop what injuries and diseases that we can before they even get started.

Vaccines, flea/tick preventives, dental cleanings, DNA testing, proper nutrition and weight management are all simple strategies we can use to head off common health problems.


If a problem does develop then we want to understand it as quickly as possible. In general, the earlier a problem is identified the better (and less expensive) the outcome.

Exam results, blood testing, urinalysis, microscopic analysis, x-rays, ultrasound, and endoscopy are all tools that the doctors use to figure out what is wrong with your pet.


Once a problem has been identified it becomes a matter of figuring out the best way to help return your pet to health.

Some treatments are as simple as a diet change or increased exercise.  Some treatments might require a change of environment.   Others might involve giving medicine on a short or long term basis.  Perhaps surgery is the best way to return your pet to health.

Our doctors will share with you all the options and together you will make the best possible decisions for your pet.

Vets' Pets

As the years have gone by, it is amazing how much our own pets have taught us about veterinary medicine, healing, and life in general... often when we least expect it. We'd like to share some of our favorite stories with you.

Read our Stories

Our Pet Care Team

Meet the dedicated people helping us care for your best friends.

Vet Tech


    Vet Tech


      Vet Tech

        Mr. Buff & Erin
        Mr. Buff & Erin

        Cool Cat & Vet Tech

          Charlie & Terra
          Charlie & Terra

          Vet Assistant


            Vet Assistant

              Contact us

              491 W. Cherry Street Sunbury, OH 43074
              Customer Care
              E-mail: frontdesk@mysunburyvetclinic.com Phone: (740) 965-4577

              Contact form

              Hello! Use the form below to get in touch with our team in non-emergency situations only.
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